10th Kingdom Wiki
Merry Pips Apple Orchid
Merry Pips Apple Orchid


Fourth Kingdom




Mr. Pip
Mrs. Pip
Daughter of the Pips


The Dog Prince
Christine White
Relish The Troll King
with his army

Merry Pips Apple Orchid is an apple farm in the Fourth Kingdom. Due to the book it is about halfway between Little Lamb Village and Prince Wendell's Castle.


The Dog Prince has escaped. After riding aimlessly, he comes to these farm. When he is eating from the dog's food bowl, the daughter of the family discovers him and recognizes him as Prince Wendell.

Meanwhile The evil queen tells Relish The Troll King, that his children have died. He agrees to meet Christine at the apple farm - alone.

The evil queen arrives at the apple farm, kills the family und takes the dog prince to her carriage. Then she meets the Troll King. He came one hour before the agreed time and brought some of his troups with him. But the evil queen came two hours before and has poisoned the apples. One troll after the other falls down to the ground and dies. The Queen gives Relish one apple. He also dies and the evil queen beheads him.

Filming Location[]

The Filming locaktion couldn't be verified yet.
